Sílabos y materiales para curso enero 2024

  • Los materiales y sílabo del Seminario: Problemas Contemporáneos en el Derecho de Propiedad Intelectual se encuentran disponibles en el siguiente enlace: http://elplandehiram.org/?page_id=2922

“A fundamental principle of bovinity is operating here and elsewhere. Tiny controls, consistently enforced, are enough to direct very large animals…. I think it is as likely that the majority of people would resist these small but efficient regulators of the Net as it is that cows would resist wire fences. This is who we are, and this is why these regulations work.” Lawrence Lessig

“It was that faithful day in July that we planted the Stars and Stripes in the lunar surface; officially claiming the moon as America’s Space Puerto Rico. It was all ours. It was the culmination of a dream.” Jon Stewart